Downloadable Publications
- D. Hoffman, C. Prakash. Objects of consciousness. Frontiers in Psychology, 2014.
- D. Hoffman, M. Singh. Natural selection and shape perception: Shape as an effective code for fitness. In Shape Perception in Human and Computer Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. S. Dickinson & Z. Pizlo (Eds.) Springer Verlag, 2013.
- D. Hoffman, M. Singh. Computational evolutionary perception. Perception, 41, 1073-1091 (special issue in honor of David Marr) 2012.
- D. Hoffman. The construction of visual reality. In Hallucination: Research and Practice. J.D. Blom & I. Sommer (Eds.). Springer Verlag, 7 – 15, 2011.
- D. Peshek, N. Sammak-Nejad, D. D. Hoffman, P. Foley. Preliminary evidence that the limbal ring influences facial attractiveness. Evolutionary Psychology, 9, 137–146, 2011.
- D. Hoffman. The sculpting of human thought. In How has the internet changed the way you think? (John Brockman, Ed) New York: Harper Perennial, 2011, 90–92.
- J. Mark, B. Marion, D. Hoffman. Natural selection and veridical perception. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2010, 266, 504–515.
- D. Hoffman. Learning colors. In [ark]: The StoJournal for Architects, 2, 52–55, 2010.
- D. Hoffman. The laptop quantum computer. In This will change everything: Ideas that will shape the future. (John Brockman, Ed) New York: Harper Perennial, 2010, 47–50.
- D. Hoffman. Human vision as a reality engine. In Psychology Reader, Foundation for the Advancement of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2010.
- D. Hoffman. The interface theory of perception: Natural selection drives true perception to swift extinction. In Object categorization: Computer and human vision perspectives, S. Dickinson, M. Tarr, A. Leonardis, B. Schiele (Eds.) Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009, 148–165.
- D. Hoffman. Non-veridical perception. In What have you changed your mind about?: Today's leading minds rethink everything, (J. Brockman, Ed), 2009, Harper Perennial, New York, 75–77.
- D. Hoffman. Mind and body. In The Encyclopedia of Perception, (B. Goldstein, Ed), 2009, 554–555.
- D. Hoffman. Consciousness. In The Encyclopedia of Perception, (B. Goldstein, Ed), 2009, 300–304.
- D. Hoffman. Computer consciousness. In The Encyclopedia of Perception, (B. Goldstein, Ed), 2009, 283–285.
- D. Hoffman. Conscious realism and the mind-body problem. Mind & Matter, 2008, 6, 87–121.
- D. Hoffman. Sensory experiences as cryptic symbols of a multi-modal user interface. (Computer, Felsen, Gehirne und Sterne: Raetselhafte Zeichen einer multimodalen Benutzerschnittstelle). In Kunst und
Kognition, (M. Bauer, F. Liptay, S. Marschall, Eds), Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 2008, 261–279.
- D. Hoffman. Solving the mind-body problem. In What are you optimistic about?: Today's leading thinkers on why things are good and getting better, (J. Brockman, Ed), 2007, HarperCollins, New York, 279–282.
- J. Pyles, J. Garcia, D. Hoffman, E. Grossman. Visual perception and neural correlates of novel 'biological motion'. Vision Research, 2007, 47, 2786–2797.
- D. Hoffman. A spoon is like a headache. In What is your dangerous idea? Today's
leading thinkers on the unthinkable. John Brockman (Ed.) New York: HarperCollins, 2007, 211–213.
- D. Hoffman. Images as interstellar messages. In Between worlds: The art and science of interstellar message composition, Doug Vakoch (Ed.) Cambridge: MIT Press.
- D. Hoffman. The Scrambling Theorem: A simple proof of the logical possibility of spectrum inversion. Consciousness and Cognition, 2006, 15, 31–45.
- D. Hoffman. The Scrambling Theorem unscrambled: A response to commentaries. Consciousness and Cognition, 2006, 15, 51–53.
- D. Hoffman. Mimesis and its perceptual reflections. In W. Pape (ed.)A View in the Rear-Mirror: Romantic Aesthetics, Culture, and Science Seen from Today. Festschrift for Frederick Burwick on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday. Trier: WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2006 (Studien zur Englischen Romantik. 3). 201–209.
- D. Hoffman. Consciousness is fundamental. In What we believe but cannot prove: Today's leading thinkers on science in the age of certainty, J. Brockman (Ed.) New York: HarperCollins and London: Free Press, 2005, 93–96.
- D. Hoffman. Visual illusions and perception. In 2005 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science & Technology.
- R. Sneddon, W. R. Shankle, J. Hara, A. Rodriquez, D. Hoffman, U. Saha. EEG detection of early Alzheimer's disease using psychophysical tasks. Clinical EEG Neuroscience, 2005, 36, 141–150. R. Sneddon, W. R. Shankle, J. Hara, A. Rodriquez, D. Hoffman, U. Saha.
- D. Hoffman. Kann man Gott abschreiben? In Im Anfang war Kein Gott: Naturwissenschaftliche und theologische Perspektiven, Tobias Daniel Wabbel (Ed.) 2004, Duesseldorf: Patmos. Pages 166–174.
- D. Hoffman, M. Singh. Vision: Form perception. In L. Nadel (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Volume 4, 2003, 486–490. London: Macmillan Publishers Limited.
- D. Hoffman. Does perception replicate the external world?Commentary in Behavioral & Brain Sciences, 2003, 26, 415–416.
- T. Davies, D. Hoffman. Facial attention and spacetime fragments. Axiomathes, 2003, 13, 303–327.
- D. Hoffman. An internalist account of colour. Commentary in Colour: Mind and the Physical World, D. Heyer and R. Mausfeld (Eds.) 2003, Oxford University Press, 435–436.
- D. Hoffman. Colour construction. Commentary in Colour: Mind and the Physical World, D. Heyer and R. Mausfeld (Eds.) 2003, Oxford University Press, 273–274.
- D. Hoffman. The interaction of colour and Motion. In Colour: Mind and the Physical World, D. Heyer and R. Mausfeld (Eds.) 2003, Oxford University Press, 361–377.
- T. Davies, D. Hoffman. Psychophysical studies of expressions of pain. Commentary in Behavioral Brain Sciences, 2002, 25, 458–459.
- D. Wollschlaeger, A.M. Rodriguez, D.D. Hoffman. Flank transparency: The effects of gaps, line spacing, and apparent motion. Perception, 2002, 31, 1073–1092.
- T. Davies, D. Hoffman. Reality check: Insights from cognitive science. Topic, 2002, 1, 2, 102–105.
- T. Davies, D. Hoffman. Attention to faces: A change-blindness study. Perception, 2002, 31, 9, 1123–1146.
T. Davies, D. Hoffman, A. Rodriguez. Visual
worlds: Construction or
reconstruction? Journal of
Consciousness Studies, 2002, 9, 72–87.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman, C. Prakash. Perception
and evolution. In Perception and
the Physical World:
Psychological and Philosophical Issues in Perception, D. Heyer
and R. Mausfeld (Eds.) 2002, Chichester, UK: Wiley, pp. 229–245.
W. Prophet, D. Hoffman, C. Cicerone. Contours
from apparent motion:
A computational theory. In From
fragments to objects: Segmentation and grouping in vision P.
Kellman and T. Shipley (Eds), 2001, Elsevier Science, pp. 509–530.
M. Singh, D. Hoffman. Part-based
of visual shape
and implications for visual cognition. In From fragments to objects: Segmentation
and grouping in vision P. Kellman and T. Shipley (Eds), 2001,
Elsevier Science, pp. 401–459.
D. Wollschlaeger, A. Rodriguez, D. Hoffman. Flank
Transparent filters seen in dynamic two-color displays. Perception, 2001, 30, 1423–1426.
D. Hoffman. Mereology
of visual form. Proceedings of
the Fourth International
Workshop on Visual Form, Capri, Italy 2001, 40–50.
D. Hoffman. The
data problem for color
objectivism. Commentary in
Consciousness and Cognition,
2001, 10, 74–77.
C. Fidopiastis, D.D. Hoffman, W.D. Prophet, M.
Singh. Constructing
surfaces and contours in displays of color from motion: The role of
nearest neighbors and maximal disks. Perception,
2000, 29, 567–580.
M. Albert, D. Hoffman. The
assumption and
illusory contours. Perception,
2000, 29, 303–312.
M. Singh, D. Hoffman. Perception,
inference, and
the veridicality
of natural constraints. Commentary
in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1999, 22, 395–396.
M. Singh, D. Hoffman, M. Albert. Contour
completion and relative
depth: Petter’s rule and support ratio. Psychological Science, 1999, 10,
M. Singh, D. Hoffman. Completing
contours: The relationship
between relatability and minimizing inflections. Perception & Psychophysics,
1999, 61, 943–951.
M. Singh, G. Seyranian, D. Hoffman. Parsing
silhouettes: The
short-cut rule. Perception &
Psychophysics, 1999, 61, 636–660.
M. Singh, D. Hoffman. Active
vision and the
basketball problem. Commentary
Behavioral & Brain
Sciences, 1998, 21, 772–773.
M. Singh, D. Hoffman. Part
boundaries alter the
perception of
transparency. Psychological
1998, 9, 370–378.
D. Hoffman. Visual
How we create what we see. 1998, W.W. Norton & Co.
C. Cicerone, D. Hoffman. Color
from motion:
Dichoptic activation
and a possible role in breaking camouflage. Perception, 1997, 26, 1367–1380.
M. Singh, D. Hoffman. Constructing
representing visual objects. Trends
in Cognitive Sciences,
1997, 1, 98-102.
D. Hoffman, M. Singh. Salience
of visual parts. Cognition,
1997, 63, 29–78.
D. Hoffman. What
do we mean by the structure of
the world? In D.
Knill and W. Richards (Eds) Perception
as Bayesian inference, 1996, Cambridge University Press, pp.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman, C. Prakash, S. Richman. Observer
Bayes theory, and psychophysics. In D. Knill and W. Richards (Eds) Perception as Bayesian inference,
1996, Cambridge University Press, pp. 163–212.
M. Albert, D. Hoffman. Genericity
in spatial
vision. In D. Luce, K.
Romney, D. Hoffman, & M. D’Zmura (Eds.), Geometric Representations of Perceptual
Phenomena: Articles in Honor of Tarow Indow’s 70th Birthday.
1995, Erlbaum, New York, pp. 95–112.
C. Cicerone, D. Hoffman, P. Gowdy, J. Kim. The
perception of color
from motion. Perception &
Psychophysics, 1995, 57(6), 761–777.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman. Inferring
3D structure
from three points in
rigid motion. Journal of
Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 1994, 4, 401–406.
J. Liter, M. Braunstein, D. Hoffman. Detection
of one versus two
objects in structure from motion. Journal
of the Optical Society of America, A, 1994, 11, 3162–3166.
A. Saidpour, M. Braunstein, D. Hoffman. Interpolation
Surface Discontinuities in Structure-from-motion. Perception & Psychophysics,
1994, 55, 611–622.
J. Liter, M. Braunstein, D. Hoffman. Inferring
structure from
motion in two-view and multi-view displays. Perception, 1993, 22, 1441–1465.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman, J. Kim, S. Richman. Inferring
3D structure
from image motion: The constraint of Poinsot motion. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision,
1993, 3, 143–166.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman, R. Kakarala. Modeling
performance in observer theory. Journal
of Mathematical Psychology,
1993, 37, 2, 220–240.
D. Hoffman. No perception
representation. Commentary in
Behavioral and Brain Sciences,
1993, 16, 2, 247–247.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman, P. Murthy. Lebesgue
for probabilistic reasoning and some applications to perception. Journal of Mathematical Psychology,
1993, 37, 1, 63–103.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman, C. Prakash. Recognition
polynomials. Journal of the
Society of America, A, 1993, 10, 4, 759–764.
- C. Cicerone, D. Hoffman. Dynamic
neon colors: Perceptual evidence for parallel visual pathways. In Advances in color vision, Optical
Society of America 1992 Technical Digest Series, Volume 4, 66–68.
M. Albert, D. Hoffman. Perception
is no
accident. Optics & Photonics
3 (9), 50–51.
- M. Albert, D. Hoffman. Topological
factors in neon color spreading. In Advances in color vision, Optical
Society of America 1992 Technical Digest Series, Volume 4, 158–160.
A. Saidpour, M. Braunstein, D. Hoffman. Interpolation
in structure from motion. Perception
& Psychophysics,
1992, 51 (2), 105–117.
D. Hoffman. Vision.
1992 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of
Science and
Technology, 1992, 487–489.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman, C. Prakash. Unity
perception. Cognition,
38, 295–334.
M. Braunstein, D. Hoffman, F. Pollick. Discriminating
rigid from nonrigid motion: Minimum points and views. Perception & Psychophysics,
1990, 47, 3, 205–214.
M. Braunstein, D. Hoffman, A. Saidpour. Parts
visual objects: An experimental test of the minima rule. Perception, 1989, 18, 817–826.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman, J. Nicola, C. Prakash. Structure
from two
orthographic views of rigid motion. Journal
of the Optical Society of America, A, 1989, 6, 1052–1069.
Bennett, D.
Hoffman, J. Nicola, C. Prakash. Inferring
structure from motion: A homotopy
algorithm. Proceedings of the
Workshop on Visual Motion, Irvine, 1989, 238–245. B.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman, C. Prakash. Observer Mechanics: A formal theory of
perception. 1989, Academic Press, New York.
D. Hoffman, B. Bennett. Perceptual
representations: Meaning and truth conditions. In Cognition and representation,
S. Schiffer and S. Steele (Eds), Westview Press, Boulder, 1988, 87–128.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman. Shape
decompositions for
visual shape recognition: The role of transversality. In Image Understanding, W. Richards
(Ed), Ablex Publishing Company, New Jersey, 1987, 215–256.
M. Braunstein, D. Hoffman, L. Shapiro, G.
B. Bennett. Minimum
points and views for the recovery of three-dimensional
structure. Journal of
Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1987, 13, 335–343.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman, C. Prakash. Perception
computation. IEEE First
International Conference on Computer Vision, London, 1987,
W. Richards, J. Koenderink, D. Hoffman. Inferring
three-dimensional shapes from two-dimensional silhouettes. Journal of the Optical Society of America,
A, 1987, 4, 1168–1175.
J. Beusmans, D. Hoffman, B. Bennett. Description
solid shape and its inference from occluding contours. Journal of the Optical Society of America,
A, 1987, 4, 1155–1167.
D. Hoffman, B. Bennett. The
computation of
structure from fixed-axis
motion: Rigid structures. Biological
Cybernetics, 1986, 54, 71–83.
S. Reuman, D. Hoffman. Regularities
of nature:
The interpretation of
visual motion. In From Pixels to
Predicates: Recent Advances in Computational Vision, A. Pentland
(Ed), Ablex Publishing Company, New Jersey, 1986, 201–226.
W. Richards, D. Hoffman. Codon
constraints on
closed 2-D shapes. Computer
Graphics, and Image
Processing, 1985, 31, 265&##8211;281.
D. Hoffman, B. Bennett. Inferring
the relative 3-D positions of two
moving points. Journal of the
Optical Society of America A,
2, 350–353.
B. Bennett, D. Hoffman. The
computation of
structure from fixed-axis
motion: Nonrigid structures. Biological
Cybernetics, 1985, 51, 293–300.
D. Hoffman, W. Richards. Parts of
recognition. Cognition,
1984, 18, 65–96.
D. Hoffman. The
interpretation of visual
illusions. Scientific American,
1983, 249, 6,
D. Hoffman, B. Flinchbaugh. The
of biological motion. Biological
Cybernetics, 1982, 42,
3, 197–204.
W. Richards, J. Rubin, D. Hoffman. Equation
counting and the
interpretation of sensory data. Perception,
1982, 11, 557–576.