Name Title Center/Department Room/Phone Contact Info
Abachi, Shaida Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Adekoya, Temilade Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Ahadian, Babak Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Azimi Asrari, Hojjat Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Bailey, Drew Professor | UCI School of Education Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
2072 Education
Bamber, Donald Research Associate Department of Cognitive Sciences
Baradaran, Arman Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Baroja Manzano, Jose Luis Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Bashyam, Sharanya Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Beck, Jacqueline Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Beers, Mark Allen Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Berg, Bruce Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2548  
Booras, Alexa Kyoko Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Bornstein, Aaron Assistant Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2318
(949) 824-0628
Bradford, Nora Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Brewer, Alyssa Associate Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Language Science
SBSG 2304
Ceja, Vanessa Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Chen, Kexin Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Chen, Yunke Graduate School Department of Cognitive Sciences
Chernyak, Nadia Associate Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SBSG 2334
Chrastil, Elizabeth Assistant Professor of Neurobiology and Behavior Department of Cognitive Sciences
BS3 1420
Chubb, Charlie Professor Emeritus Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2101   
Chávez De la Peña, Adriana Felisa Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2323  
Coon, Jeffrey Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
SSL 413  
D'Zmura, Michael Professor Emeritus Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2556    
Dave, Abhishek Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Dosher, Barbara Distinguished Professor and UG Honors Program Director Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2564
Dutt, Nikil Chancellor's Professor of Computer Science Department of Cognitive Sciences
BH 3086
Ebersberger, Jarrett Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Ekhlasi, Ali Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Cognitive Sciences
Falmagne, Jean-Claude Research Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SSPA 2133
Farahbod, Haleh Associate Specialist Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2240  
Fatigun, MyLee Department Analyst Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2205
Fowlkes, Charless Professor of Computer Science and UCI Chancellor's Fellow Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
DBH 4076
Giovanni, Elle Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Grossman, Emily Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2558
Hackney, Brandon Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Hagedorn, John Lecturer Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2551  
Harhen, Nora Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Herrera Guevara, Isabel Alessandra Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Hickok, Gregory Distinguished Professor and Chair, Language Science Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Language Science
SBSG 2341   
Hii, Doreen Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Hoffman, Donald Professor Emeritus Department of Cognitive Sciences

Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2101   
Hu, Xinyue Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Hussain, Akbar Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Iverson, Geoffrey Professor Emeritus Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2306  
Jimenez, Luis Research Associate Department of Cognitive Sciences
Kaper, Rochelle Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Khoudary, Ari Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Kim, Minkyu Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2240    
Krichmar, Jeffrey Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2328    
Kumar, Aakriti Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Kutt, Brody Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Laberge, David Professor Emeritus Department of Cognitive Sciences
Lee, Michael Professor and Chancellor's Fellow Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SBSG 2302    
Leshinskaya, Anna Assistant Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2554    
Lewis, Jacklyn Lecturer Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2311  
Li, ZhaoBin Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Liljeholm, Mimi Associate Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences

Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2312
Loftus, Elizabeth Distinguished Professor of Social Ecology and Professor of Law Department of Cognitive Sciences
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SE2 2393
Mander, Bryce Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior Department of Cognitive Sciences
IH 109
Mauter, Garrett Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Mayer, Lukas William Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Mednick, Sara Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2546    
Medriano, Kathleen Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Mehrvarz, Mahbod Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Mellina Gottardo, Christa Department Student Assistant Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2201
Menchaca, Isaac Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Middlebrooks, John Professor of Otolaryngology Department of Cognitive Sciences
MS-D 404
Montgomery, Lauren Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Morehouse, Allison Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Mousaviyan, Sepehr Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Ng, Cherlyn Assistant Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2326  
Nixon, Nia Assistant Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
EDUC 3361B
Noh, Sharon Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Cognitive Sciences
O'Connor, Cailin Chancellor's Professor, Placement Director, and Director of Graduate Studies Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy
Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
793 Social Science Tower   
Orouji, Seyedmehdi Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Pae, Hongju Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Peters, Megan Associate Professor and Graduate Director Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SBSG 2568   
Pizlo, Zygmunt Professor and Falmagne Endowed Chair Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SSPA 2187   
Rashidi Jouybari, Fateme Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Richards, Virginia Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2566   
Rouder, Jeffrey Professor and Falmagne Endowed Chair Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SBSG 2322   
Rounds, Emily Lauren Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Saberi, Kourosh Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2332   
Sarnecka, Barbara Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies & Professor, Cognitive Sciences Department of Cognitive Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Social Sciences Graduate Studies
Office of Research
Center for the Advancement of Logic, its Philosophy, History and Applications
SBSG 2562    
Schultheiss, Clara Department Administrator Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2203
Shen, Angela Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Shen, Tailai Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Shuster, Alessandra Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Silva, Paulina Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Smullen, Em Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Sperling, George Distinguished Research Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SSPA 2181
Srinivasan, Ramesh Professor and Undergraduate Director Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2336    
Stanford, P. Kyle Professor and Director of the PPE MA Program Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
Interdisciplinary Center for the Scientific Study of Ethics and Morality
Department of Cognitive Sciences
Masters in Philosophy, Political Science and Economics
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
769 Social Science Tower
Stark, Craig Professor of Neurobiology and Behavior Department of Cognitive Sciences
BS3 1424
Stern, Hal Professor of Statistics Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Demographic and Social Analysis
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
DBH 6215
Steyvers, Mark Chancellor's Fellow, Professor and Department Chair Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
SBSG 2316
Tejeda Lemus, Heliodoro Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Torabian Esfahani, Sajjad Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Uzoigwe, Peremoboere Tracy Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Van, Karen Department Analyst Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2207
Vandekerckhove, Joachim Professor Department of Cognitive Sciences
Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences
Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science
SBSG 2324
Villarreal Ulloa, Jesus Manuel Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Walker, Grant Assistant Project Scientist Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2240  
Wan, Jie Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Wang, Cindy Gradute Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Center for Theoretical Behavioral Sciences
Watt, William Professor Emeritus Department of Cognitive Sciences
SSPA 2143
Westfall, Holly Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Wolfe, Cassidy Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Wright, Charles E. (Ted) Professor Emeritus of Teaching Department of Cognitive Sciences
SBSG 2554   
Wu, Ya-Ning Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Xing, Jinwei Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Yang, Shanglin Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Yoo, Jungsun Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Zeng, Fan-Gang Professor of Otolaryngology and Hearing and Speech Director Department of Cognitive Sciences
MS-E E101
Zhou, Zhibin Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences
Zong, Yufei Graduate Student Department of Cognitive Sciences