The B.S. in Psychology emphasizes the study of the mind and brain grounded in knowledge of physical and biological sciences. Students in the major are able to choose courses from areas including: (a) Cognitive Psychology – Perception, Memory, Decision Making, Learning, and Consciousness, (b) Language and Developmental Psychology, (c) Clinical Psychology, and (d) Cognitive Neuroscience.

Students interested in other areas of psychology are advised to consult the course listings in the School of Social Ecology and the School of Biological Sciences sections of the UCI Catalogue.

NOTE: Students may complete either the B.S. in Psychology or the B.S. in Cognitive Sciences. You may not double major within the majors offered by the department. For students who double major in the B.S. in Psychology and the B.S. in Biological Sciences, no more than three courses may overlap.



The current degree requirements can be found in the UCI Catalogue. For prior catalogue years, please refer to this link:

All students must meet the University Requirements.

All students must meet the School Requirements.

School requirements must be met and must include courses as specified below:

A. Complete the following:

PSYCH 10A-10B-10C   Exploratory Data Analysis
and Probability and Inference
and Statistical Models
PSYCH 9A-9B-9C Psychology Fundamentals
and Psychology Fundamentals
and Psychology Fundamentals

B. Complete six courses across three disciplines:
Background Science

BIO SCI 35             The Brain and Behavior
BIO SCI 36 Drugs and the Brain
BIO SCI 37 Brain Dysfunction and Repair
BIO SCI 38 Mind, Memory, Amnesia, and the Brain
BIO SCI 41 Aspects of Mood Disorder
BIO SCI 47 Stress
BIO SCI 75 Human Development: Conception to Birth
BIO SCI 93 From DNA to Organisms
BIO SCI 94 From Organisms to Ecosystems
CHEM 1A General Chemistry
CHEM 1B General Chemistry
CHEM 1C-1LC General Chemistry and General Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 51A Organic Chemistry
CHEM 51B-51LB Organic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 51C-51LC Organic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Laboratory
COGS 14M MATLAB Programming
COGS 14P Scientific Python for Research
COGS 60N Neurobiology of Cognition
COGS 108 Neural Analytics
LPS 30 Introduction to Symbolic Logic
LPS 31 Introduction to Inductive Logic
LPS 40 The Nature of Scientific Inquiry
LPS 60 The Making of Modern Science
MATH 2A-2B Single-Variable Calculus and Single-Variable Calculus
MATH 5A-5B Calculus for Life Sciences and Calculus for Life Sciences
MATH 3A Introduction to Linear Algebra
MATH 3D Elementary Differential Equations
PHYSICS 3A Basic Physics I
PHYSCIS 3B-3LB Basic Physics II and Basic Physics Laboratory
PHYSICS 3C-3LC Basic Physics II and Basic Physics Laboratory
PHYSICS 7C-7LC Classical Physics and Classical Physics Laboratory
PHYSICS 7D-7LD Classical Physics and Classical Physics Laboratory
PHYSICS 7E Classical Physics
PHYSICS 15 Physics of Music
STATS 110 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis I
STATS 111 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis II
STATS 112 Statistical Methods for Data Analysis III

C. Select four from the following:
Psychology Core Courses

PSYCH 120A        Abnormal Psychology
PSYCH 120D Developmental Psychology
PSYCH 120H History of Psychology
PSYCH 120P Personality Theories
PSYCH 130A Perception and Sensory Processes
PSYCH 140C Cognitive Science
PSYCH 140J Judgment and Decision Making
PSYCH 140L Learning and Decision Making
PSYCH 140M Human Memory
PSYCH 150 Psychology of Language
PSYCH 160A Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience
PSYCH 160D Brain Disorders and Behavior

D. Select three courses from the following modules:1
Psychology Module Courses

PSYCH 120 to PSYCH 129 (General)
PSYCH 130 to PSYCH 139 (Perception and Sensory Processes)
PSYCH 140 to PSYCH 149 (Cognition and Learning)
PSYCH 150 to PSYCH 159 (Language)
PSYCH 160 to PSYCH 169 (Cognitive Neuroscience)

E. Select three of the following:
Research Methods

   and 112LA
Experimental Psychology
   and Experimental Psych Lab
   and 112LB
Advanced Experimental Psycholgy
   and Adv Exper Psych Lab

   and 112LC

Research in Experimental Psychology
   and Res Exper Psych Lab
   and 112LM
Research Methods in Psychology
   and Research Methods Lab
   and 112LN

Introduction to fMRI Research
   and fMRI Research Lab

   and 112LP
Research in Perception and Psychophysics
   and Perception Lab
   and 112LR
Cognitive Robotics
   and Robotics Lab

F. Select four courses (four or more units each) with emphasis in psychology, distributed as follows:

  1. No more than one may be lower-division. PSYC 7A may not be used to fulfill this requirement.
  2. No more than one of the courses may be numbered 190-199.
  3. If accepted into the Honors Program, only one course is needed to fulfill this requirement.

1Psychology core courses may be used to fulfill this requirement, but cannot count for both requirements.



The Honors Program in Psychology and Cognitive Sciences is an advanced educational and research program for outstanding undergraduate students in these majors.

The program emphasizes advanced competence in scientific research, and allows participants the opportunity to pursue advanced work in independent research, in addition to earning honors upon graduation.
The program is designed for students who are interested in pursuing graduate study or seeking challenging research experiences as a capstone to their undergraduate experience. All Cognitive Sciences and Psychology majors who meet the minimum eligibility requirements are welcome to apply.

For more information about the Honors Program, please visit here.



In order to change your major to the B.S. in Psychology, you must meet the following requirements:

Requirements Description
Cumulative UC GPA 2.7 GPA
2.0 GPA for the quarter prior to changing major
Course grades Completion of PSYC 9A, PSYC 9C, and three lower-division science courses (from Requirement B) with a GPA of at least 3.0 for those five courses.


For a listing of change of major requirements for all majors at UCI, please visit here.



For academic advising (e.g., coursework required, change of major requirements), contact the School of Social Sciences' Undergraduate Student Affairs Office. During the academic year, they offer academic advising through
in-person walk-ins, Zoom drop-ins, and scheduled appointments. To determine which form of advising is best suited for your needs, please visit their website at:

  • For quick, general questions, feel free to email the Peer Academic Advisors (PAAs) at:
  • For questions that require an academic advisor, email: